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The 8 Most Important CBD Studies Ever Published

The 8 Most Important CBD Studies Ever Published


The 8 Most Important CBD Studies Ever Published

In the face of some serious obstacles, research into the medical efficacy of cannabis continues to expand. The federal prohibition on cannabis makes it a real pain for researchers to gather reliable data. They often have to deal with arbitrary restrictions and cannabis samples that are really low in quality. Research into cannabidiol (CBD Studies), however, has been able to proceed a bit more quickly.

That’s because the cannabinoid itself is non-psychoactive. This puts it in a legal “gray area” that makes it a bit easier for researchers to study. And that’s beneficial because research continues to show the central role CBD plays in the medical benefits of cannabis. In the past few decades, we’ve seen a number of promising studies on CBD. Here are the 8 most important CBD studies ever published, organized by their impact on human health and wellness.

In the past few decades, we’ve seen a number of promising studies on CBD. Here are the 8 most important CBD studies ever published, organized by their impact on human health and wellness.

1. CBD As An Anti-Seizure Medicine

The 8 Most Important CBD Studies Ever Published

One of the most important CBD studies every published was a path-breaking study into the efficacy of using CBD as a treatment for epilepsy.

It’s fairly common for medical drug studies to look at animals before conducting trials on humans. The outcomes of these tests on animals can make or break the future of a drug for human use.

In 2012, researchers with the British Epilepsy Association published a paper called “Cannabidiol exerts anticonvulsant effects in animal models of temporal lobe and partial seizures.” In it, the researchers conclude that “CBD significantly decreased the percentage of animals experience the most severe tonic-clonic seizures.”

That result lent credibility to the claim that CBD possesses anticonvulsant and anti-seizure capabilities. The researchers also note CBD’s lack of psychoactive effects. Thus, they concluded that their “evidence strongly supports CBD as a therapeutic candidate for a diverse range of human epilepsies.”


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