Weed Parties – “The Mary Kay of Mary Jay”

People have embraced Mary Kay parties for years now. And it's no surprise that marijuana enthusiasts have started their own with weed parties.

Green Rush Daily

Did you ever lock yourself in your room as a kid to hide from all of your mom’s friends when she hosted those ‘Mary Kay’ parties? From Tupperware to cutlery, people have embraced parties of this type for years now. And with the cannabis industry expanding further and further, it’s no surprise that marijuana enthusiasts have taken it upon themselves to enter the market as well with weed parties.

Healthy Headie Lifestyle – ‘The Mary Kay of Mary Jay’

Healthy Headie Lifestyle was founded by CEO Holly Alberti 10 years ago. She took the Mary Kay business model and applied it to a different line of products: high-quality cannabis goods. By bringing the head shop to your home, Healthy Headie Lifestyle offers a service that is much more accommodating than traditional retailers.

The company goes through the labor of sampling a wide array of products on the market to see what works. When they’ve found the best of the best, they incorporate it into their merchandise. Through this process of curation, they ensure that they both know their products very well, and that they’ll work for you.

The unique advantage this business model has for cannabis products over jewelry, for example, is the ‘try before you buy’ aspect. While it’s nice to see how a necklace looks draped around your neck before you pull the trigger on it,  making sure that bubbler hits perfectly is a much more important factor to consider before you buy it.

And in the interest of the greater cannabis movement, part of Healthy Headie Lifestyle’s goal is to educate potential customers on the wellness of cannabis. In doing so, they’re not just selling their product: they’re selling the fact that marijuana is medicine.

The Final Hit

The company is based out of California, but they’re expanding to all around the country. If joining their team is something you’re interested in, you can sign up for free here to become an “online ambassador.”

And for those who’d love to host their own cannabis product party, you can contact them at info@HealthyHeadie.com to set up your own personalized gathering.

" Casey Riley : Casey is a Green Rush Daily staff writer from the Inland Empire in southern California. He's been a long-time advocate for the legalization of the cannabis plant. Casey graduated from California State University in Long Beach with a Bachelor's in philosophy and a minor in religious studies.."