Escape Life At This Women’s Cannabis Retreat

The daily grind can really wear you down. Now and then we all need a break (and some good bud obvs). If you’re looking for a place to go for your next weekend refresher, look no further. There’s a women-only cannabis retreat in several parts of California, and it’s happening this summer. Smoking up with dozens of your new best friends in the California sunshine? It almost sounds too good to be true!

What This Cannabis Retreat is All About

The Ganja Goddess Getaway is an overnight cannabis retreat for weed-loving women. Their mission? To foster a positive, pro-cannabis environment in which everyone can be their best self. The retreat is also about the spiritual benefits of good bud. And its ability to enhance creativity and even create sisterhood. Yes, weed has many amazing benefits. It makes sense that women would want to smoke, dab, and eat edibles in a big, supportive group of “ganja sisters.”

Most overnight retreats for weed lovers are all about networking and business. But the founders of Ganja Goddess Getaway wanted to do something a little different. Instead of schmoozing over cocktails, participants will enjoy a host of fun activities. There are arts and crafts, dance classes, and even women’s sexuality talks. You can also learn belly dancing, do yoga, swim, hike and hang out at the “dab bar.” So basically, it’s the best summer camp ever, but with weed.

How to Get There

You can currently buy tickets to these women-only weed retreats in several California locations. Tickets range from $120 for a day pass, to more exclusive packages for $420. Pricey, sure, but they include treats like $200 worth of cannabis and weed products.

The retreats will take place in late August and early September. And get this: No one there will pressure you to smoke. So if you want to go on a cannabis-friendly retreat and just relax and make friends, no biggie! Staying overnight is optional, but if you do, you’ll be “glamping.” That’s “glamorous” camping, with comfortable accommodations and delicious meals that all come included.

Why You Should Go

It’s so important to create safe, women-only spaces where we can be ourselves and connect on a deeper level. It’s also equally important to be part of communities that are pro-cannabis and all about being our most authentic selves.

Research shows that great vacations have tons of physical and mental health benefits. And naturally, if you pair those with the many benefits of smoking weed, you’re looking at an amazing summer and a productive rest of the year. Plus, women who go on these retreats are dubbed “goddesses,” so you’ll get an awesome ego boost on top of being super relaxed, stoned, and just high on life for days at a time.

Who Will Be There?

The founders have had 50-100 guests at past cannabis retreats. But you never know, you might just run into one of your favorite female weed-loving celebrities. (We could totally see OLD Miley Cyrus making a guest appearance–such a shame she quit smoking weed). Most importantly, the environment will be judgment-free, so even if celebrities do show up, they’ll likely just blend in and become part of the bigger cannabis sisterhood.

" Julia Rubin : Julia Rubin is a Brooklyn-based author. Her work has appeared in publications like the North American Review, The Lascaux Review, and Sierra Nevada Review, and she has written for a variety of online media companies like AllDay and Wetpaint Entertainment."