10 Best Weed Strains For Anxiety

The best weed strains for anxiety should help you treat your symptoms whenever and however they appear.

7. ACDC (Hybrid)

The potential for an anxious high is a concern for folks who are sensitive to the effects of THC. In that case, ACDC is an ideal strain thanks to its virtually zero THC content.

ACDC is a hybrid strain with chart-topping CBD content. ACDC is one of the best weed strains for anxiety because of its 19 percent CBD content. In the medical cannabis community, ACDC is usually the strain doctors recommend for treating the symptoms of chemotherapy.

Beyond this application, however, ACDC has gained a reputation as a strain which provides a relaxed body feel and a sense of mental well-being.

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" Adam Drury : Adam is a staff writer for Green Rush Daily who hails from Corvallis, Oregon. He’s an artist, musician, and higher educator with deep roots in the cannabis community. His degrees in literature and psychology drive his interest in the therapeutic use of cannabis for mind and body wellness.."