10 Best Weed Strains For HIV/AIDS

Cannabis can help manage the symptoms of HIV/AIDS. While it's not a replacement for medication, here are the best weed strains for HIV/AIDS.


2. MK Ultra


Don’t be scared off by the name. Th CIA did not create this strain to experiment with mind control. Although, it has been reported to have a hypnotic effect.

MK Ultra is sure to help you when you’re in pain, stressed out, and can’t sleep. Use caution, however. This strain is rather pungent. If you’re living with other people, you might want to investigate some odor-hiding techniques.

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" Chloe Harper Gold : Chloé Harper Gold is a writer in New York City. In addition to cannabis, she is passionate about horror, science fiction, and feminism. You can find more of her writing on Horror Film Central, Feministing, and Twitter.."