10 Best Weed Strains for Paranoia

Did you smoke some bud that made you paranoid? We know the feeling. Here are the best weed strains for paranoia.

Do you find yourself needing to know the best weed strains for paranoia? Let’s be honest: sometimes weed can make certain people paranoid. And some people experience paranoia even without smoking.

When it comes right down to it, the best weed strains for paranoia will have a significant CBD content, in relation to THC content. In fact, recent studies show that CBD may counteract negative THC side effects. Good news if you’re someone who gets paranoid after smoking weed!

10. Stephen Hawking Kush


To combat paranoia, you’ll need a weed strain with a substantial CBD content. The strain known as Stephen Hawking Kush will help you relax both your mind and your body. It’s a good strain to try, especially if you’re relatively new to smoking weed.

9. CBD Mango Haze


This haze strain is both sativa-dominant and possessing of a nice CBD to THC balance. If you tend to get paranoid, CBD Mango Haze’s spice and fruity notes, combined with its CBD expression, will calm you right down.

8. Ringo’s Gift

Ringo’s Gift is truly a gift. Derived from the DNA of ACDC and Harle-Tsu, this hybrid will help you relax without feeling sluggish. It’s ideal if you want to toke up during the day.

7. Purple Urkle


The Purple Urkle strain is a favorite among cannabis enthusiasts. Known for its ability to calm and relax, Purple Urkle is one of the best strains for paranoia.

6. Strawberry Cough


Don’t be put off by the cough. This strain is famous for being a sativa powerhouse that will uplift your mind and ease your thoughts. If you experience social anxiety in addition to paranoia, Strawberry Cough could be the best strain for you.

5. Cannatonic


Don’t worry. Cannatonic will not make you catatonic. With its high CBD content and low THC content, Cannatonic is often recommended for anxiety, as well as other psychological issues. It’s also great for muscle spasms.



Speaking of Cannatonic, this phenotype is great as well. ACDC is pretty much all CBD, which means that when you consume it, you get all the benefits of cannabis without any psychoactive effects. Since ACDC is great for anxiety, it makes a great chaser strain if you’re feeling paranoid after smoking something with a higher THC content.

3. Charlotte’s Web

For another strain that’s virtually all CBD, try Charlotte’s Web. Cultivated specifically for medical cannabis patients, this strain won’t get you high. But it will ease anxiety, paranoia, pain, muscle spasms…the list goes on and on.

2. Harle-Tsu


Harle-Tsu is the love child of Harlequin and Sour Tsunami. Because of the high CBD content, this strain will ease your mind as well as your body– all without the psychoactive effects of THC. Plus, it has a sweet taste.

1. Zen

Zen is all about balance. This strain has a perfect and even balance of THC and CBD. When you consume it, you can’t help but feel relaxed, at ease, and totally…well…zen.

Final Hit: The Best Weed Strains for Paranoia

If you experience paranoia after smoking weed, it might be a reaction to THC. But don’t despair! You don’t have to quit cannabis. You should just consider trying out some strains with an evener balance of THC and CBD. But remember: in the words of the late Kurt Cobain, “just because you’re paranoid, don’t mean they’re not after you.”

" Chloe Harper Gold : Chloé Harper Gold is a writer in New York City. In addition to cannabis, she is passionate about horror, science fiction, and feminism. You can find more of her writing on Horror Film Central, Feministing, and Twitter.."