Harvest Cannabis Like A Pro With These 5 Simple Steps

You have to know how to harvest cannabis properly to get the most yield out of your plants. Follow these steps to harvest marijuana like a professional.

Mary Millus/Green Rush Daily

Step 3: Cut Off The Flowers

The Cannabist

The key here is to be gentle. The less you disturb the flowers, the more you’ll preserve the trichomes. Begin the cutting process by trimming away all the big leaves around the flowers.

Leave the smaller leaves that are packed in closer to the buds. You’ll get rid of them later. For now, get rid of the biggest leaves first. Then use sharp garden scissors or shears to cut each branch away from the plant.

Cut well below the flowers so there’s no risk of accidentally damaging them. When you handle your cuttings, be sure you don’t bang them into each other or harm the flowers in any way.

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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."