7 College Majors For Students Interested In Weed

Are you a college student about to choose a course of study? Here are the top college majors for students interested in weed.

What are the best college majors for students interested in weed? When you’re in college, the possibilities for your future seem endless. So many courses! So many paths to take! If you love to get high and are entering the world of higher education, you might be inspired to focus your studies toward a career where you can incorporate your passion for pot. Here are a few suggestions for the majors you should pursue.

7. Agriculture

Now, you can major in agriculture to break into the cannabis industry from the ground up. Literally.

Some colleges are even offering courses on hydroponics.

Since it’s a growing technique that is often used in cannabis cultivation, many of their students are finding jobs in the weed industry.

6. Business

Do you love cannabis so much that you’re considering building a career out of it?

Now that more states are legalizing weed for medicinal and recreational purposes, working in the weed industry is no longer a sketchy, illicit career choice.

Choosing this major will educate you in the ever-changing field of business. Whether you choose to enter an existing company or start your own, this major will absolutely help you get started on your career.

The University of Denver even offers a course specifically on the cannabis industry called “The Business of Marijuana.”

5. Psychology

Nationwide, and possibly worldwide, psychology is one of the most popular majors among college students.

Why not? The human mind is fascinating. And majoring in psychology can lead to a lot of interesting careers.

If you’re a college student interested in weed, this major could be especially interesting because you’ll learn exactly how cannabis affects the brain and society. Just don’t use your major as an excuse to start analyzing and “diagnosing” your friends.

4. Political Science

One of the best college majors for students interested in weed would have to be political science.

For cannabis-using college students who want to make a difference in the world through policy change and grassroots organizing, political science could be the path to take.

Who knows? You could end up in Congress working to legalize weed on a federal level!

3. Film

Who wouldn’t want to work in the film industry? If you’re the creative type who craves a career that’s hands-on and exciting, consider majoring in film.

You’ll learn how to analyze movies and learn technical skills that will take you far in your desired field.

If you’ve already planned on majoring in film and applied to schools in California to be close to the heart of the film industry, you’re in luck! California has an extensive medical marijuana program and will soon start selling legal recreational weed.

2. English

There’s a reason why English consistently ranks among the most popular college majors. There are so many possibilities with this degree.

When you major in English, you can write for a living, teach, or even use the degree and educational path as preparation for law school. If you smoke weed, you might find that majoring in English is particularly fascinating– especially when it comes to the readings for class.

Ever read Virginia Woolf or James Joyce stoned? It’s an experience. So, of course, English is one of the best college majors for students interested in weed.

1. Biology

If you’re a cannabis enthusiast who’s also STEM-inclined, the most obvious major to pursue would have to be biology. This is particularly vital if you want to pursue a career in the medical field.

The cannabis industry could always use more doctors and biologists to study the impact of cannabis on the human body, prescribe medical marijuana to patients, and help educate the public about the salubrious effects of weed.

Final Hit: College Majors For Students Interested In Weed

At the end of the day, you should major in whatever you’re passionate about. If you can connect it to weed, it’s a bonus.

But if you don’t think your chosen field can be made greener, don’t sweat it! You can totally smoke weed and study whatever you want. It might even improve your experience as a college student.

And remember: you can always change your major if your interests change. College is a time for experimentation, after all!

" Chloe Harper Gold : Chloé Harper Gold is a writer in New York City. In addition to cannabis, she is passionate about horror, science fiction, and feminism. You can find more of her writing on Horror Film Central, Feministing, and Twitter.."