This Kid Did 15 Dabs In A Row And He’s Still Standing

For some, their first dab ends up being their last because of the intensity. A good dab can still wreck a daily smoker. So, imagine what 15 dabs in a row would do. Well, thanks to Weedtuber and regular dabber Matthias710WRX, we know it won’t kill you but it will get you high AF.

Who Is Matthias710?

Matthias710WRX is a youtube personality known for smoking in the wackiest ways like filling a rig with sriracha and dabbing out of it. The 710 in his name stands for the word oil written upside down. Probably because most of his videos feature him dabbing.

When did he start taking so many dabs in a row? Well, it began after his viewer dared him to do a dab every time he used the word “fairly” in one of his videos. Matthias gladly took on the challenge not realizing how many times he actually used the word: 12.

You can expect an appreciation of glass art and dabs on Matthias’ YouTube page. In fact, he took every dab using various pieces from his heady glass collection including a mini lava lamp rig made by Bluegrass glass. On the fourth dab in, he was ready to sleep and regretted using premium concentrates. Matthias spares no expense and backs down to no challenge when it comes to his viewers. So, he summoned his inner Cheech and Chong to continue on to the end.

15 Dabs Back To Back

More recently the dab champ has returned to “shatter” his previous record. To celebrate reaching 10,000 subscribers Matthias decided to drop 15 dabs back to back in a 42-minute long video.

Just like in his 12 dab video he’s smoking fire strains like Rudolph Piss which he says tastes like a Lemonhead candy. On his 2nd dab, Matthias claimed to be beyond baked but that didn’t stop him. He really showcased his glass collection in this video, taking 15 globs out of 10 different glass porn worthy rigs.

3 hits in he can be seen frantically looking around for his dab timer which was quite obviously under his hand and rig the whole time. Dat short term memory loss at its finest. It just goes to show how powerful dabs can be. However, he wasn’t even a third of the way through his journey.

The size of his final dab seemed to get bigger than every other one he took. Matthias kept dabbing and coughing himself into tears until the end. Even after such ridiculous amounts of THC the only downside he experiences is napping the day away. Looks like you’ll need a lot more than 15 dab hits to overdose on weed.

" Ab Hanna : @ Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."