How To Not Smell Like Weed When You Go To Your Grandma’s House

To smell like weed or not to smell like weed, that is the question. While most of us typically love the smell of fresh herbs, it’s also important to know not everyone is a fan. Take your sweet, sweet Grandmother, for example.

Older generations are not too ‘hip’ with the idea that smoking cannabis is starting to become a more and more socially acceptable form of recreation. While we can vehemently disagree with that sentiment, we should still make an honest effort to keep our weed-smoking tendencies under wraps around such people.

Albeit, it can sometimes be difficult to walk into your Great Aunt May’s kitchen after a blunt and not reek of bud. Fortunately, there are several different ways to combat the intense aroma associated with cannabis.

Just Wait it Out

If you have enough time on your hands, the first suggestion would be to use the infamous K.I.S.S. method. Keep it simple, stupid.

The best thing to do if you reek of bud is just to relax and let the smell go away naturally. Obviously, this takes a good deal of time, but it can be the most effective way to rid yourself of the smell. Wash your hands if you were smoking paper, and the smell should be gone within the hour. If you’re planning on smoking before going out in public, just make sure you give yourself an ample amount of time to air off.

Cover The Stench Up

If you don’t have the time to air out, don’t sweat it. There are ways to cover up the smell without sitting in your room freaking out for an hour.

You just need to find yourself a substance that has an even stronger scent than weed. Typically, this could be cologne, perfume, incense or the dreaded axe body spray. Also, chewing gum can also help mask the smell of bud. And again, washing your hands or using hand sanitizer is a MUST if you smoked a joint or a blunt. Keep in mind, a combination of strong odors may not always be the most pleasing to the nostrils, so there’s definitely other options.

Take a Shower

One such alternative option to the artificial smells of cologne, perfume ect., is just to take a good, old fashioned shower.

Taking a quick shower may prove to be the best course of action after smoking, as you garner more of a natural scent. Also, it isn’t nearly as sketchy as smelling like four different clashing scents. At that point, it looks like your hiding something. Plus, you can always say you got shampoo in your eyes if your eyes are super blood shot after smoking. That’s what I always do, anyways.

Change Your Clothes

There’s another pretty simple solution to masking the smell of a recently smoked doobie– just change your freaking clothes.

If you are plagued by an intense odor of cannabis, chances are the smell is just infused into your clothing. Simply change the clothes you wore while smoking, and you should be good to go. Most of the time, you don’t even have to change your whole outfit, either. For example, if you were wearing a certain jacket while smoking– just put on a different jacket. Your shirt smells? Put on a different shirt. Are you noticing a pattern here?

Go For a Walk

Still smell like weed?

Try going outside for once in your life.

I’m kidding, but not really. If you’re one of those stoners that like to sit on the couch and smoke, maybe it’s time to get out and get some fresh air. When you’re done smoking, get up and go for a nice walk around the block. Experience some of the wonders of the outside world, and before you know it, you’ll no longer smell like weed! Airing yourself out is definitely one of the more effective ways of ridding yourself of the smell, and getting some exercise can’t hurt, right?

Try Using Edibles/ Vape Pens

Ok, this may be a little bit of a reach, but if all else fails, maybe you can try switching up how you get high to avoid the smell of weed altogether. One such way is switching to edibles, where there is obviously no smoking involved. This is more of a preventative option rather than a post-burning measure, but it obviously will do the trick. Edibles are becoming all the rage amongst smokers, and with various delicious treats to choose from, it could be just the right thing to avoid an awkward conversation of why you smell like a skunk.

Additionally, vape pens are another discreet way of getting your THC fix. It doesn’t leave the stench of marijuana on your fingers after smoking, and you can pretty much do it in public whenever. With various flavors available, it’s pretty tough to differentiate THC oil from regular tobacco flavored oils. Be forewarned, however– you may look like a total tool. I’d say that’s a fair trade-off though.

In Conclusion…

Feel better about getting a little high before going to Granny’s?

For all the rookie smokers out there, you can clearly see it’s not a tall task to rid yourself of the pungent smell of weed after an elongated smoke-sesh. Smoking cannabis is no longer considered the heinous act it once was, but there is definitely a time and place for everything. However, if you don’t necessarily agree with that school of thought, make sure you consider all of these options post-burning and try to work them into your regular smoking routine.

And like magic, you’ll no longer smell like weed! You can thank us later.

" Tim Kohut : Tim Kohut is Green Rush Daily Staff Writer hailing from New York. His hobbies include (but are not limited to) eating eggs, owning far too many cats, and watching Rob Schneider films. He’s a self-taught expert in the cannabis industry and hopes to share his vast knowledge with fellow weed-enthusiasts around the world.."