This Weed Smoking Alien Is Invading Your Facebook Feed

Lil Mayo

Depending on the strain of weed you prefer to smoke, thinking about alien life outside earth tends to be a somewhat normal thing to ponder when you’re zooted out of your mind. Some deep-thinking questions may include (but are not limited to) “Is there life on mars?” “Are we really the only people in the universe?” “Do aliens blaze too?”

Well, that last question has an answer, and it’s yes, yes there is. His name is Lil’ Mayo, and just like you, he loves to smoke weed. And chances are, you’ve seen him before.

On the internet, that is.

Lil Mayo Origin

Lil Mayo

Although he’s become ultra- popular on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, Lil Mayo the alien actually first made his appearance way back in 2012 on various Spanish and Portuguese paranormal sites. While it’s still somewhat unclear when the picture first officially started cropping up, it began to garner popularity after a Tumblr user responded to a comment on celeb gossip blog Oh No They Didn’t, along with the caption “AYY LMAO”, way back on May 23rd, 2013. The meme became a staple of the blog’s comment section, and internet sensation Lil Mayo was officially born.

If the original alien you see seems somewhat familiar to you (outside of social media), it might be because you were once a big time fan of the X-files. The original alien image was a still shot from a season 3 episode titled “Jose Chung’s From Outer Space”. That’s going WAYYYY back.

Lil Mayo Evolution

Lil Mayo

Although Lil Mayo started out as a random shot of an X-Files alien, he has undergone quite the transformation. The, I guess you can say “official” Lil Mayo, that’s featured on his twitter accounts, Instagram, and Facebook page is that of a squinty-eyed alien puppet. He’s normally doing various cool-guy things like hotboxing a car, picking up chicks, listening to Young Thug, and knocking back a couple cold ones. Of course, he’s smoking bud at all times.

So if you ever can’t think of a response on social media, have no fear, Lil Mayo is here. With all the arguments, controversies, and general hoopla on the internet these days, it’s nice to be able to kick back and just say “Ayyy lmao”.

What a time to be alive.

" Tim Kohut : Tim Kohut is Green Rush Daily Staff Writer hailing from New York. His hobbies include (but are not limited to) eating eggs, owning far too many cats, and watching Rob Schneider films. He’s a self-taught expert in the cannabis industry and hopes to share his vast knowledge with fellow weed-enthusiasts around the world.."