The Most Weed Friendly Cities In The USA

Weed is becoming a significant factor in tourism, and in honor of everyone searching good weed spots, here are the best weed friendly cities.

16. Oakland, California

If you know anything about the history of weed and weed culture in the U.S. you know all about the Bay Area of California.

Oakland has been a key player in the country’s weed culture from day one. As evidence, consider this: Oakland is where the nation’s first cannabis university, Oaksterdam University, decided to open up shop.

15. Portland, Maine

Maine can easily become a magical place for weed smokers. You’ve got access to good seafood, cool towns, and some of the most amazing natural landscapes anywhere.

Portland is the perfect spot if you like weed. It’s relatively 420-friendly.

On top of that, it’s got all the amenities of a medium-sized citie. And to make things even better, you can easily get to amazing places like Acadia National Park.

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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."