What is Bhang?

We all know the history of cannabis dates back to the prehistorics. But what about the history of edibles? It starts with Bhang.

You may have heard the term bhang at some point in the cannabis world. Well, it has been used since ancient times. In fact, bhang is one of the oldest pot-infused edibles ever made. Google will tell you it is the flower heads of cannabis which is a literal translation. However, most people call those buds. Nowadays, the term bhang refers to a drink infused with weed commonly found during religious festivals in India and Nepal. We’ll go over the history of bhang and a recipe to make your own.

History of Bhang

Bhang is a milk-based cannabis drink that has been used as early as 2000 B.C. within the borders of India. Texts from 1200 – 1000  B.C. describe the drink as a beneficial herb that relieves anxiety. This is one of many examples of cannabis being used in ancient times.

Bhang still plays a role in Indian Hindu culture today. In fact, the drink is still taken during certain holidays like Holi.

The sale of bhang became legal in shops with a government-authorized permit for religious reasons. Hindus believe the drink will bring them closer to the Gods.

So, the weed used for bhang is brought from the Himalayas which is up above symbolizing it is a gift from the gods. The green milk has attracted and overwhelmed many tourists.

Hindus believe the drink will bring them closer to the Gods. So, the weed used for bhang is brought from the Himalayas which is up above symbolizing it is a gift from the gods.

The legendary green milk has attracted and overwhelmed many tourists.

Weed in Hindu Mythology

So there’s a story about cannabis’ origin in Hinduism called “The Churning of the Ocean of Milk.” The myth is from 500-300 BC and it is about the search for an elixir called amrita, by the gods.

They were instructed to pour potent herbs into the “Milky Sea” and stir until they found amrita. Legend has it, Shiva was poisoned when demons slipped out from the stirring.

The gods had to fight for 12 days to gain control of the elixir. In the end, Shiva and other gods were able to overcome the demons by drinking cannabis which cured Shiva.

As a result, their god named the herb “Victory” to commemorate the event. Apparently to this day, Shiva and his devotees have been getting high AF. Chillest god ever? We think so.

The Big Bhang Recipe

  • 2 cups water
  • 28g of cannabis buds
  • 4 cups of warm milk
  • 1/8 tsp garam masala, cinnamon, and cardamom
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1 tsp rosewater
  • 1/4 cup ginger
  • 2 tablespoons chopped almonds


Boil water in a teapot or pot. Place only the buds of your weed into the pot, no stems, no seeds, no sticks! Remove from the heat and place a cover on it. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes.

Use a strainer or muslin cloth to get all the plant matter out of the water. Set the water aside. Put the strained buds into a mortar and add 2 teaspoons of warm milk.

Grind the milk and leaves together slowly. Continue adding 2 teaspoons at a time while grinding until you have used a 1/2 cup.

Save the milk and put it in a bowl. Add almonds and warm milk while grinding in the mortar. Do this until a fine paste is all you’re left with. Squeeze the paste and collect all the extracts.

Combine all the liquids including the water that was used to boil the weed. Add the garam masala, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and rosewater. Finally, add as much honey or sugar as you want and top it off with the remaining warm milk. Mix it all up, drink up and be one with the universe.

" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."