Cannabis Is Curing Stomach And Bowel Diseases Considered Incurable

Studies and empirical evidence show that cannabis can cure several stomach and bowel diseases considered incurable by modern medicine.

Green Rush Daily

Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s Disease is an inflammatory bowels disease considered incurable by mainstream medicine. The disease directly affects the lining of the digestive tract resulting in pain, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, and fatigue.

On the bright side, cannabis can help with all of these symptoms. Patients like Fatin Pheonix Ward had relief after just three days of taking CBD. Before using marijuana, Ward was on steroids and cortisone which did nothing to help her swollen colon but came with side effects.

So, modern medicine made her condition worse, leading her to seek alternative treatment. Ward’s symptoms continued to be relieved. She kept using cannabis, and after six months she was free of Crohn’s.

She continues to use marijuana and has had no outbreaks ever since. Her colonoscopy showed her colon wall had been completely healed.

Final Hit

Modern medicine is allowing patients to suffer when the cure for many of these diseases is right under their nose.

Patients in states with medical marijuana may be seeing relief, but there are plenty of other with no access to the only medicine that can cure their disease.


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" Ab Hanna : @ Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."