F*ck Adderall. Try These Strains for ADHD.


Harle-Tsu is the first hybrid to appear on this list. It is a mixture of the aformentioned Harlequin and Sour Tsunami, that is very high in CBD. It also has a low amount of THC, so it is a very relaxing and soothing high. It’s also a very subtle high, so you should have no problem staying calm and focused. There’s limited psychoactive side-effects, so your brain will be as sharp as ever. This is a particularly harder strain to find, but it’s definitely one of the more effective ones.

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" Tim Kohut : Tim Kohut is Green Rush Daily Staff Writer hailing from New York. His hobbies include (but are not limited to) eating eggs, owning far too many cats, and watching Rob Schneider films. He’s a self-taught expert in the cannabis industry and hopes to share his vast knowledge with fellow weed-enthusiasts around the world.."