7 Plants Other Than Cannabis That are High in Healing Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids from weed interact with your endocannabinoid system (ECS). There are also plants other than cannabis that are high in healing cannabinoids.

If you’re familiar with weed, you’ve probably heard that cannabis contains cannabinoids. These chemicals are a big part of what makes the cannabis plant so unique. But weed isn’t the only plant that produces them. Here are some of the most well-known plants other than cannabis that are high in healing cannabinoids.

A Quick Intro To Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids are some of the most important chemicals produced by weed plants. They interact with your body’s endocannaboid system (ECS) to produce a wide range of effects.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) helps regulate a number of functions including appetite, mood, pain-sensation, memory, and more. That’s why when cannabinoids hit your endocannabinoid receptors, it triggers a bunch of responses throughout your body.

The interactions between cannabinoids and your endocannabinoid system (ECS) is how weed produces its effects. They’re what make you feel high. They are also how weed gives you medical effects.

Interestingly, cannabis isn’t the only plant that produces cannabinoids. There are a handful of plants other than cannabis that are high in healing cannabinoids. Many of them also have chemicals that behave exactly like cannabinoids.

7. Green Tea

Tea is rich in catechins, and while they are not technically considered part of the cannabinoid family, they are what scientists call “cannabimimetic.”

That basically means they behave the same way cannabinoids do inside your body. A 2010 study found that green tea has an affinity for the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The catechins in tea bind with receptors the same way cannabinoids from weed do. As a result, tea has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective qualities—just like cannabis.

6. South African Helichrysum Flower

This South African flower contains significant amounts of cannabinoids. In particular, researchers have found a cannabinoid called CBG in this plant.

One researcher said that the plant is traditionally used “like hemp, to make fumes in ritual ceremonies.” Apparently, the helichrysum flower can produce effects similar to the ones produced by weed.

5. Electric Daisy

Electric daisies are known for being super powerful. The edible flowers are also called Szechuan buttons, buzz buttons, electric buttons, or toothache plant.

All these names refer to the unique properties of this flower. When you eat them, it feels like you’re chewing a battery. You will experience a strong tingling, mouth-numbing sensation.

Beyond that, the flowers can also be used as painkillers. All of these qualities come from the cannabinoids these flowers make.

In particular, this plant contains N-isobutylamides. This cannabinoid binds with your CB2 receptors to reduce pain and inflammation.

4. Flax Seeds

In 2012, researchers discovered that flax produces a compound that is basically a mirror image of cannabidiol (CBD).

CBD is one of the main cannabinoids in cannabis. It mellows out the effects of THC. It’s also responsible for a lot of weed’s medical properties.

And it turns out that flax produces its own version of CBD. Researchers say that, because of this chemical, there are “many new applications for medical flax products.” That includes being used as “a material for wound dressing with anti-inflammatory properties.”

3. Black Truffles

Black truffles are unique in the world of cannabinoid-producing plants. That’s because they produce anandamide.

That chemical is technically an “endocannabinoid,” which means it’s a cannabinoid usually produced by animals instead of plants. Anandamide is basically like your body’s version of THC. It makes you feel good.

And according to a 2015 study, black truffles also create it. That could be part of why people love eating them so much.

2. Echinacea

Echinacea is most commonly used to treat colds. In fact, you’ve probably taken echinacea lozenges when you’ve got a sore throat or a cough. It’s also very similar to cannabis.

Like weed, the plant is good at treating pain and inflammation. It’s also a good booster for your immune system.

Not surprisingly, it’s all because the plant produces cannabimimetic chemicals that bind to CB1 receptors. That’s exactly what weed does.

1. Cacao

Chocolate is made out of cacao. There’s a chemical reason why people love chocolate so much.

It’s because cacao has tons of chemicals that trigger the pleasure centers of your brain. In fact, cacao produces anandamide, the same endocannabinoid found in black truffles.

When you eat cacao, this chemical hits your brain and triggers tons of feel-good activity. It’s basically the same chemical process that gives you the good feelings of being high that you get after smoking weed.

Final Hit: Plants Other Than Cannabis That are High in Healing Cannabinoids

There’s no denying that cannabinoids are powerful chemicals. When they interact with your endocannabinoid system (ECS), they trigger all sorts of reactions in your body.

They give you the feeling of being high. Additionally, they give weed its anti-inflammatory, pain-killing, and munchies-inducing properties.

It turns out that weed isn’t the only thing that makes cannabinoids. As you can see, there are several plants other than cannabis that are high in healing cannabinoids.

But weed is still the king of cannabinoids. Nothing else has as many of them or as heavily concentrated as cannabis.

" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."