‘High’ Fashion: Stylish Clothes to help you hide or smoke weed

Whether you're looking for discretion or convenience, there are some 'high' fashion clothing and accessories that can improve the quality of your smoke sesh.

High Fashion

Whether you’re looking for discretion or convenience, there are some ‘high’ fashion clothing and accessories that can improve the quality of your smoke sesh. Some products are intended to contain the smell, some are made to make rolling up easier, and others make smoking in public less noticeable. We compiled a list of 5 of the best smoking accessories that can also be worn:

Weed Purse


First on the list is AnnaBis brand designer purses, which are made to make carrying your weed and smoking utensils discreet and fashionable.

There are several models in varying sizes and designs, including handbags and clutches. All purses feature an “anti-odor lining” to keep all smells inside.

The Melissa Multicase model has a space for 2 medicine containers, mints, a pipe, eyedrops, lighters, and even a vape. Everything you’d need for the ultimate smoking experience with discretion and fashion in mind.

Pipe Hoodie


Another good way to smoke without any obvious paraphernalia comes in the form of an innovative sweatshirt. One of your hoodie strings is the mouthpiece you’ll be inhaling from, the other is the bowl where you’ll pack your weed.
With this hoodie you’ll be chiefing down the street and people will wonder where that loud is coming from. The hoodie would be a stealthy way to get away with smoking somewhere public like a venue when listening to your favorite artist.
Pretty much anyone whose smoked weed before will agree that music sounds better when baked. For added stealth you can attach a vaporizer instead of a bowl piece to the drawstring, reducing the marijuana smell.

Phone Case, Wallet, and Stash in one


The Fumo Wallet is a stylish wallet that allows you to carry what you need, including weed. The leather case is designed for the iPhone 6 and also holds your ID’s and credit cards in one place.
The wallet features a slim wooden container that was inspired by a traditional japanese box intended to store herbs. There’s also a rolling paper dispenser included that holds a variety of paper sizes.
Last but not least the wallet can turn into a leather rolling tray. The innovative Fumo Wallet does everything a stoner needs while blending in as a classy wallet and  phone case.

Vape clothing


The good folks at vaprware have created a wide variety of designer clothes that allow users to stealthily toke at their vaporizers. A vape pen is connected to one end of a hose and the other end is the mouthpiece.
The hose goes around the inside of the clothes into different pockets inside and out depending on the style of clothing. The hood has a zipper that goes all around so that the hose can be easily removed and cleaned to avoid having your clothes carry a permanent stench.
By default, actual vaporizes are included in the price of each hoodie. You have the option to choose no vape system at all in case you already have a 510 thread vaporizer of your own and want to save some cash.  These hoodies come in a t-shirt version and even a women’s dress with a vapor hose is up on the website.

Raw Rollawear Hoodie


Raw really came through with this one, the Raw Rollawear Hoodie features clips on the strings so you don’t burn your fingers when finishing off that roach.

The Raw Rollawear Hoodie also has a built in rolling tray that sits perfectly in your lap when seated AND a stash spot for your precious herbs.

While the battle for legalization still continues, there are plenty of ways to remain stealthy while still carrying everything you need to stay medicated.

As for states who are already legal you may still want to throw that raw hoodie on when you know you’re going for an outdoor smoke adventure or have a fashionable purse/wallet that contains smells so you can stay classy on the go.

" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."