Legal Weed Is More Popular Than Either Presidential Candidate

Who is excited about their selections for this presidential election? According to these polls, virtually no one. In fact, voter perceptions of Clinton and Trump are very negative. Almost all news involving the presidential candidates is bad news. On the other hand, many voters believe there should be legal weed.

Luckily for those folks, With 5 states voting to legalize marijuana this month, legal weed may rack up more votes than either presidential candidate. With politics and the media creating civil unrest, it’s nice to see that the public agrees that marijuana should be legal. In fact, there’s the potential for 29 states to have legalized medical marijuana by the end of this election cycle.

Legal Weed Details

Anew poll reveals 60 percent of Americans now claim to want legalized marijuana. The 47-year-old poll has yet to see a higher number for legalization.

We can’t say the same for the two presidential candidates. Currently, Hillary Clinton is favored among 42.7 percent of Americans.  On the other hand, Donald Trump has less than 35 percent of Americans for his presidency.

Even President Obama is less favorable than weed. After a late-term spike in popularity, President Obama is now supported by 54 percent of Americans. This means pot is more popular than the POTUS and either of his replacements. And yet, legal pot has barely been brought up by either presidential candidate. We’re closer to legal pot than we’ve ever been and nobody is talking about it.

Another poll found the majority of Americans want legal weed. The Pew poll found 57 percent of Americans believe marijuana should be legal.

Who Is Against Legal Marijuana?

The same Pew poll found that the majority of Republicans were against marijuana legalization. Furthermore, 55% of Republicans oppose it while 41% favor it. On the other hand, Democrats are more heavily for legal marijuana. 66% of Democrats support legalization while a mere 30% oppose it.

Additionally, Pew Research Center surveys have found Hispanics to be less supportive of legalizing marijuana than whites or blacks. In fact, more Hispanics believe it should be illegal. 49% believe marijuana use should be illegal, while 45% favor legalization.

The top three industries lobbying against medical marijuana come as no surprise to us. Law enforcement, Big Pharma, and the Alcohol Industry have all poured big dollars into halting marijuana legalization.

Final Hit

According to these numbers, legal weed should be president. If there’s one thing Americans can agree on, it’s the fact that marijuana should be legal. Fortunately, we can help by voting for one of the many marijuana initiatives that will be on this month’s ballot. And by the looks of it, we’re going to need a lot of cannabis to cope with the next president.

" Ab Hanna : @ Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."