Jimmy John’s Driver Caught Hiding Weed in Sandwiches

Corny cop jokes incoming.

In places where weed is still illegal, people often have to get creative with how they carry around their stash. For example, a Jimmy John’s delivery person in Osseo, Wisconsin recently got caught trying to hide a bag of marijuana inside a sandwich.

Jimmy John’s Driver Caught Hiding Weed

Word of the botched sandwich smuggling attempt first started coming from the Osseo Police Department. As is so often the case with police departments around the country, the Osseo PD tried to work in a little humor.

Here’s how they described the incident on their Facebook page:

“The other night, Officer Starry stopped a vehicle, a Jimmy Johns delivery driver, for a moving violation. As she approached the vehicle, she detected a ‘free smell’ coming from the vehicle. Except that free smell wasn’t that of a Turkey Tom or Vito sandwich. IT was this…and no, that is not a pickle or oregano adorning that sandwich.”

If the cops’ reference to a well-known Jimmy John’s ad wasn’t funny enough, they concluded the post with one more attempt at a joke.

Osseo PD added: “Moral of the story, don’t hide your weed inside your sub sandwich. We can still smell it behind all the other deliciousness.”

At this point, it’s unclear exactly how much weed the cops confiscated from the driver. Similarly, it’s not clear if the driver was arrested or if they are facing any criminal charges.

It’s also not clear if the driver was simply trying to get their own stash safely from work to home, or if they were attempting to sell the bag of weed. Either way, it seems pretty clear that the authorities confiscated the baggie, leaving the driver without their little stash.

Cop Marijuana Jokes

For the last six years or so, it’s become increasingly common for police departments to turn marijuana raids, busts, and arrests into social media jokes.

According to High Times, the trend really kicked off back in 2013. That year, cops in Seattle handed out bags of Doritos with reminders that although cannabis is legal in Washington, it was still illegal to smoke in public. At the time, the idea garnered a lot of attention.

And ever since, police departments around the country have followed suit. Typically, they’ll do what the Osseo PD did.

Authorities will post pictures of confiscated weed or photos from a marijuana bust, and then add (a typically weak) attempt at humorous captions. Of course, the message always ends in some sort of warning about getting in trouble for cannabis.

Not suprisingly, most of these jokes fall flat. But there are more serious problems, too. Specifically, the fact that there are still people all over the country who are criminalized and punished for marijuana.

And as pretty much every study ever has agreed, those being most heavily punished and disenfranchised by cannabis prohibition are poor communities and communities of color.

Additionally, there seems to be another problem with these jokes. For many, these jokes reveal a troubling disregard for the growing legalization of marijuana.

Bottom line: these jokes are not funny. They’re not humorous. And they make light of a serious movement aimed at fixing a serious social problem.

" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."