Nearly Half of Everyone In UK Now Supports Legalizing Cannabis

A brand new survey found that nearly half of everyone in the UK now supports legalizing cannabis.

The survey found that 47% of people living in the UK said they support the idea of making cannabis legal. Thirty-nine percent of respondents opposed legalizing cannabis and fourteen percent said they weren’t sure.

Men who took the survey were more likely to support legalization than women were.

And the idea of making marijuana legal had the most widespread support in Scotland, where 58% of people support it, and in London, where 54 % support it. Northeast England had the lowest percentage of people who support legalization.

When it comes to political affiliations, support was more or less the same across the board.

This new survey could indicate a significant change in public opinion when it comes to marijuana laws in the UK.

A study released a little over a year ago—in March 2015—found that 32% of adults in England thought that the use of cannabis should be legalized while 49% thought it should be illegal.

If this more recent survey does in fact point to a change in public opinion, it would put England more or less on par with other countries where the idea of legalizing cannabis is picking up steam.

In the United States, for example, a new survey found that support of legalized marijuana has hit an all-time high. Sixty-one percent of Americans now think marijuana should be legalized.

And when it comes to marijuana for medical purposes, 84% of all Americans think doctors should be allowed to prescribe it to their patients.

Despite this, however, President Obama has said that he would not make cannabis laws a priority for his last year in office.

As for the UK, the movement to legalize cannabis is being led largely by the Liberal Democrats. That party recently released a study that said legalizing cannabis could raise £1bn in tax revenue for the government.

All of this is part of a larger conversation about drug laws at the international level.

Just a couple weeks ago, a group of world leaders released a statement urging the UN to end the global war on drugs.

" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."