What You Need To Know About Canada ‘Legalizing Weed’ In 2017

Fittingly, April 20 was a monumental day for cannabis in Canada. But not just because it was 4/20. Bringing cannabis legalization one step closer to becoming a reality, Canada’s Health Minister Jane Philpott announced that a piece of federal legislation that would officially legalize cannabis will be put forward by spring 2017.

Philpott speech was definitely well-timed, considering she made it at a Special Session of the UN General Assembly on the same day as the international weed holiday.

Because the Liberal government is fairly well aware that April 20th is a pretty big day for cannabis enthusiasts, they used the “weed holiday” to their advantage. Basically, they used 420, “a day that we know people are going to be talking about marijuana,” noted Health Minister Philpott, “to talk to people around the world about Canada’s plans on drug policy.”

The speech has been positively received by cannabis advocates. But many are confusing the plan to put forward a law with the act of legalizing marijuana itself.

However, the Liberal government’s plan to introduce a new bill on legal marijuana for spring 2017 does not mean that cannabis will actually be legalized by that time.

Officials are cautioning that more work has to be done before cannabis can become legal. More data and information needs to be gathered and prepared before the legislation is even written.

The Liberal party plans to have their new bill on legalized marijuana ready for spring 2017, but that’s just the start to a very long process.

Even a with a Liberal majority government, the law will follow a very long procedure for approval that involves many stages and re-writes before receiving royal assent.

In her speech at the UN, Philpott made sure to emphasize how the new drug policy will create a safer environment for children. She began with a story about a mother who lost her daughter to drug use. Philpott then directly said the legislation will “keep marijuana out of the hands of children.”

So far its unclear white kind of system the law will propose for the sale and regulation of cannabis in Canada. But market analysts suggest the Canadian government will be aiming to garner significant revenue from the production and sale of marijuana once its legalized.

" Adam Drury : Adam is a staff writer for Green Rush Daily who hails from Corvallis, Oregon. He’s an artist, musician, and higher educator with deep roots in the cannabis community. His degrees in literature and psychology drive his interest in the therapeutic use of cannabis for mind and body wellness.."