The Clipper Grinder Is Set To Revolutionize The World Of Cannabis

Herb grinders are so straightforward and simple, most pot smokers probably wouldn’t think there’s a lot of room for serious grinder technology innovation. But The Clipper Grinder changes that perspective for everyone.

And as a result, most of us seem to have pretty much come to see sticky grinders as more or less one of those unavoidable facts of life.

But not anymore.

A group of entrepreneurs from Winnipeg has created a brand new grinder that they say avoids getting clogged up by sticky resin buildups.

Inventors Matt Olsen, Greg Moneta, and Jesse Marr call their new grinder The Clipper Grinder.

“We threw out that entire design,” Olsen said, referring to standard grinder models. “We decided to go with an entirely different method we felt solved a lot of problems associated with the old version.”

The primary reason why The Clipper Grinder gives users a finer, smoother grind is because it’s newly designed blade keeps resin from building up.

“The biggest difference between The Clipper Grinder and a standard grinder is the cutting blades versus the regular teeth,” said Keely Middleton, a recent Clipper convert.

The Clipper Grinder

“The blade is a game changer because it doesn’t build up resin in the teeth and hinder the ability to turn and grind.”

Although The Clipper Grinder is still in its infancy—it’s not available yet for regular retail—it’s already beginning to send ripples throughout the cannabis world.

For starters, big-time pot activist, entrepreneur, and politician Marc Emery has already begun raving about the new grinder.

“Marc has endorsed it, and he has one,” Olsen said. “He’s Tweeted about it a few times, and we’ve had conversations about it.”

“He loves it, and he wants to carry it in his retail store in Vancouver. So far he’s been really helpful, and a big advocate of the design.”

Olsen, Moneta, and Marr are currently trying to raise funds for their product through an Indiegogo campaign.

They hope to launch their online store in January, begin production in February, and start shipping out their first round of orders in April. See photos below.

It looks like your typical grinder…

…look again, this 8 piece cutting edge grinder can cut 12 times per rotation.

The Clipper Grinder will be available in two different sizes.

…and custom grinder like this has to have its own custom storage option.

to the guys over at Lift Innovations…..WE WANT ONE!

" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."