Aura Ultra-Modern Water Pipe Is A Game Changer

Aura Water Pipe

Plenty of cannabis users shudder at the idea of being associated with the negative stigmas pot culture is hard at work trying to shake in the 21st century. For the artisans at Aura, revolutionizing the products used by recreational marijuana users took top priority, and the result is their beautiful, elegant, and technologically superior water pipe. (Pictures Below)

Aura’s stated objective is to provide a “refreshing form” of design that “destigmatizes” recreational weed.

“Simplicity and ease of use are hallmarks of modernity,” says Aura’s website, “and can be found throughout the Aura experience.”

The Aura is so uniquely designed that it’s unlikely anyone would recognize it as a device for smoking pot, at first sight.

Alongside it’s sophisticated design and futuristic simplicity, the Aura Water Pipe improves on virtually every aspect of the bong, a tried-and-true tool for delivering smooth hits.

Thanks to its rapidly increasing reputation as a powerful medicine and a safe recreational substance for adults, the negative stigmas, and stereotypes long associated with marijuana are beginning, finally, to fall by the wayside.

Yet as cannabis culture continues to gain respectability, thanks in large part to its heightened professional visibility, the actual act of smoking pot is something most people still try to keep out of sight.

There are likely a few explanations for the shyness or outright anxiety many people feel about consuming cannabis openly. No doubt one of those reasons has to do with the smoking device itself.

Walk into any smoke shop, and all the glassware on offer will have one thing in common: psychedelic colors and swirls. Or even if a bong or water pipe is clear, it will likely be adorned with some cartoonish image or slogan.

In other words, the tools of the toking trade—pipes, bongs, bubblers—all seem stuck in the past.

They’re more reminiscent of the old-fashioned stereotype of the bell-bottom-and-tie-dye-clad “hippie” who says “far out, man” after every hit than they are of the ultra-modern marijuana industry that’s booming and blooming across America.

" Adam Drury : Adam is a staff writer for Green Rush Daily who hails from Corvallis, Oregon. He’s an artist, musician, and higher educator with deep roots in the cannabis community. His degrees in literature and psychology drive his interest in the therapeutic use of cannabis for mind and body wellness.."