The Lung Buster, The Craziest Weed Pipe Of All Time

The Lung Buster is quite possibly the world's craziest and best way to smoke weed. That's because it blasts an insane amount of smoke right into your lungs.

What is the lung buster?

The Lung Buster is probably the world’s craziest and best way to smoke weed. That’s because it blasts an insane amount of smoke right into your lungs (it’s not called the Lung Buster for nothing). And the craziest part of all is that the entire contraption is just a simple water gun!

Weed Smokers Are Genius Inventors

It’s always amazing what sort of sh*t pot smokers come up with. From carving bongs out of fruit to the makeshift soda can bowls, the cannabis community is pretty much unstoppable. If we can’t find a way to smoke, we’ll do whatever it takes to invent one.

And that’s exactly how the Lung Buster was born. The Lung Buster is just a pot smoker’s name for the Stream Machine water gun. But in classic weed fashion, some genius smokers have figured out how to turn a basic water gun into the world’s most powerful pipe.

How It Works

Here’s how it works. The Stream Machine is a 22-inch long tube that’s got a little hole on one end and a handle on the other end. You dip the end with the hole into some water then pull the handle back. As you do, the handle pulls a plunger that sucks water up into the tube. Once it’s filled, you push the handle back in, and it shoots the water back out again.

Now here’s the weed smoking version of it. Insert a joint or blunt into the hole. Light it. Pull back the handle. Instead of sucking in water, now this bad boy’s drawing in all the smoke from the burning joint.

As you pull back on the handle, you’re also drawing air through the joint, so it’ll burn even better. Once you’ve got the entire joint full of smoke in the tube, you’re ready to get blasted.

If you’re with friends, have a buddy push the gun handle back in. If you’re by yourself, prop the handle against a wall or the floor and push in. Either way, when that handle pushes back in, it’ll shoot all that smoke out at once in a beautiful gush of smoke.

You’ll be plastered it. You’ll be bathing in smoke. And the result is one of the fastest, hardest hitting highs you’ll ever experience. And for even crazier highs try using one of these super potent kief joints.

Check out these guys do the entire thing:

And here’s more good news. Since the Lung Buster is just a basic water gun, it’s super easy and pretty cheap to get your hands on one. You can pick one of these up at pretty much any store, or you can get one online for $15 – $20. Be sure you get the big 22-inch size so you can load it up with as much smoke as possible. Have fun!

" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."