Why You Should Look Further Than Just THC Levels When Buying Weed

THC levels are just one factor to consider when deciding which budulars are going to impregnate your brain cells. Here are some other determinants you should think about before making your purchase:

Beyond THC Levels: Indica or Sativa

First, what kind of day/night are you trying to have? Not all weed is created equal. The “Netflix and chill” Purple Urkle is a much different vibe than the “rock concert” Bruce Banner. Might not be the best play to pass out on a first date. If you’re trying to pass out, strain type is less relevant.

Regardless, determining how you want your day/night to unfold will be the decision maker when it comes to selecting an indica or sativa, which is arguably a more important ingredient to your evening than how high the THC level is in your pot.

The Name of Cannabis

If you’re rolling to a party, be known as the guy/gal with the bomb Matanuska Thunder Fuck or Platinum Girl Scout Cookies. While more ego based, the cooler the name of the pot you bring, the cooler your personal level of cool. No one ever receives an invite to the next party because of the THC levels in their pot.

If you’re enjoying your weed by yourself or with a handful of close friends, a cool strand name will lend itself to thought-provoking conversation, again, either by yourself or with a few others.

*Disclaimer: Smoking or possessing cool-named cannabis does not guarantee a boost in personal cool level.

The Cost Of Weed

Rather than splurging on a more expensive high THC level strain, here are some things you can purchase with the coin you’ll save from buying less expensive species:

-A monthly subscription to Amazon Prime video streaming service ($8.99/month)
Three Ultra Thin Trojan Condoms at CVS ($5.49)
-MUNCHIES! A new banger is Halo Top ice cream. Easy on the wallet, easy on the calories and your mouth will thank you later ($6.99, without any coupons).

Should none of the above ways in which to apply your savings intrigue you, apply the extra dough to rent money. Or do whatever you want with it. This is not a finance blog. The point is, purchasing more cost effective cannabis strains rather than those bursting with high levels of THC will save you some decent coinage.

*Disclaimer: I do not work for Amazon, Trojan, or Halo Top. However, free product from any those companies is welcomed.

The Scent of the Bud

Often overlooked, but highly important is the smell of your proposed strain purchase. Don’t be the guy/gal sitting on the train or subway with a backpack full of cannabis farm stank. Not only is smelling like pot in public potentially problematic, if you happen to be high, you run a slight risk of paranoia from all the side glances sure to be slipped your way.

Conversely, if you wish to mask an unpleasant odor in your residence or awkward looks from strangers on public transportation is your thing, pop the tops to your ganj and let the buds breathe free.

" Stephen Laddin : @Sladdin Stephen is a Los Angeles based comedy writer and sativa enthusiast.."