Meet the Women Behind The Emerald Triangle’s Cannabis Girl Gang

When it comes to pot, women are becoming the movers and shakers from the ground up. Here are the rising stars of the Cannabis Girl Gang.

When it comes to male-dominated fields, there are very few exceptions, but this cannabis girl gang is changing the game. Even today, the image of cannabis is predominantly comprised of men. From growing, to selling, and even to consumption, men are seen as the unchallenged head honchos of pot. However, this image, bolstered by media portrayals and deeply ingrained stereotypes, is not necessarily one that reflects reality.

Women are making great strides in the legal cannabis industry in every imaginable area. We now have an influx of cannabis products designed and sold by women. Women are cultivating new strains of bud and encouraging each other to organize and lean in.

When it comes to marijuana, women are becoming the movers and shakers from the ground up. Literally.

Flow Kana

If you’re a Californian, your dispensary might carry artisan cannabis with the Flow Kana label. Flow Kana is a sustainable, sun-grown brand that specializes in small batches and proudly represents farmers in California’s Emerald Triangle.

On their list of local farmers are a plethora of women-owned and operated farms. Here are a few of the rising stars of the Cannabis Girl Gang.

Johanna Mortz

Johanna Mortz got her start in the cannabis industry working at a dispensary in Los Angeles. She eventually moved to Northern California to help her cousin– a marijuana farmer– during a harvest. She never left. Now, four years later, she and her partner own PolyKulture Cannyard.

Tina Gordon

The owner of Moon Made Farms is honoring the history of her land. In an interview, she explains that “two women lived on and cultivated this land before , and a strong sense of responsibility to carry on their legacy and improve upon what they started.” As her farm’s name suggests, Gordon specializes in lunar farming, which focuses on the plants’ nighttime growth and development.

Jennifer Gray

Jennifer Gray of Elysian Fields was born with a green thumb. Both of her parents were farmers, and her father even grew cannabis. Of being a leader in the world of marijuana farming, Gray says, “being a woman in any male-dominant industry can be tough, but also empowering. Of course there will always be men that don’t take me seriously no matter how much experience or knowledge I have on the topic. Luckily for me, the men that I interact with regularly in this industry treat me as an equal and always make me feel heard.”

" Chloe Harper Gold : Chloé Harper Gold is a writer in New York City. In addition to cannabis, she is passionate about horror, science fiction, and feminism. You can find more of her writing on Horror Film Central, Feministing, and Twitter.."