Elevate Your Edibles Game With The Best Cannabis Cookbooks

Making your own edibles is one of the best ways to take your cannabis consumption to the next level. It gives you the flexibility to explore, test, and create new ways to get high without smoking. The best way to learn about cooking with cannabis is to start with one of the many cannabis cookbooks currently on the market. To get you started, here are some of the best.

The Best Cannabis Cookbooks

9. “Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails & Tonics”

This cannabis cookbook is a great starting place if you consider yourself an at-home mixologist. Obviously, it will teach you how to make cannabis infusions that you can then add to your favorite cocktail.

But this book will also teach you about making better drinks in general. It has information about bitters, tea, coffee, milk drinks, and almost any other beverage.

By the time you get done with this one, you will be an all-around mixed drink expert. Impress your friends next time they come over by serving up a THC-infused cocktail.


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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."