Aeroponics: A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners

If you want more control over your cannabis plant's growing environment, try aeroponics. This guide will give you everything you need to get started.

Step 2: Make Your Sprinkler Device

To make your sprinkler device, you are going to combine the hydroponic pump, the sprinkler head, and the timer. Start by screwing the sprinkler to the pump. If you want the sprinkler to sit higher up in your bucket or tote, you can also add a threaded plastic riser in between the pump and the sprinkler.

Once the sprinkler and pump are connected, hook the entire thing up to your timer. When the system is up and running, you’ll set the timer so that the sprinkler sprays water for 30 minutes and then stops for 30 minutes. This will deliver all the water and nutrients that your plant needs, while also maximizing the amount of oxygen they get.

Now place the sprinkler device in the bottom of your bucket or tote. With the sprinkler in the bottom of the bucket or tote, put the lid back on. Be sure to feed the pump cord up through one of the holes in the lid so you can easily plug it in.

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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."