5 Creative Ways To Ingest Marijuana

Some people don't like to smoke or can't smoke for medical reasons. Fortunately, there are now several ways to ingest marijuana without smoking it.

Green Rush Daily

3. Suppositories

If you’re a woman, you have most likely experienced cramps, pain, and other annoyances associated with that time of the month.

Some women that suffer from debilitating menstrual cramps may have to stay in bed for hours, with a hot water bottle over their lower abdomen.

Many women, especially those with crippling menstrual pain, have been turning to a new product.

As marijuana legalization has been making its way in the medical community, cannabis infused vaginal suppositories have emerged.

Marijuana companies focused on women’s health like Foria, have released a THC and CBD infused suppositories to relieve menstrual pain.

According to Foria’s website, these suppositories aren’t supposed to get women high. These tampon-like suppositories use THC and CBD to activate cannabinoid receptors that help to relieve discomfort in the pelvic region.

Many reviewers of this product have spoken highly of it. They claim these suppositories have drastically decreased their pain, even their most crippling cramps, as well as providing a relaxing sensation.

There are even cannabis-infused suppositories designed to enhance anal sex.

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" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."