20 Amazing Things To Try When You’re High

18. Have The Best Sex Ever

Users reported intensified orgasms when having sex while high. Others have found weed to help them last longer in bed.

“Most people who’ve experienced it think that cannabis makes sex better. Some even consider it a mild aphrodisiac.

It tends to increase sexual pleasure as it may lower inhibitions, slow down time, induce relaxation, make people more aware of touch and senses, and help to focus on the present moment.

All of which can contribute to making sex more enjoyable than it would be while sober.

Orgasms may not be more intense, but the experience may seem more sensual. ” – Mikki Norris of Cannabis Consumers Campaign.

So the orgasm may not be more intense, but it surely feels that way when high.

It’s common for women to have a harder time achieving orgasm than men. 1 in 3 women finds it hard to orgasm during sex.

According to Dr. Mitch Earleywine, professor of psych at SUNY Albany told NY Mag “that CB1 receptor seems to be involved with improved tactile sensations and general euphoria.”

Meaning cannabis can increase physical stimulation. So, masturbating would feel better too.

The only thing better than an orgasm is an orgasm while high. There’s just something magical about it.

So, we had to put sex on our list of amazing things to try after getting high.

17. Meet New People

Research has shown that weed can help people relax from social anxiety.

Like really, who smokes and hasn’t made a friend by passing or being passed a joint?

As long as you don’t have too much THC, cannabis can alleviate anxiety. According to research, higher levels of THC can generate a sense of paranoia.

So, figure out your dosage because being paranoid and fearful during social interactions won’t help you meet new people.

When you get the right buzz going, you’ll find yourself chatting with strangers and having a great time.

You never know where those connections may lead. You could find a new job, new social circle, or a new relationship.

If the people you’re surrounded by leave you feeling unfulfilled, it’s time to get out and start meeting people.

With your decreased social anxiety you have an increased chance of meeting people.

It’s easy to stay inside all day with computers, tv’s, phones and more at our disposal.

However, humans are social beings. We’re the only animals using systems of communication for self-expression.

Plenty of people have gotten to know each other or reconnected over some shared pot.

If you’ve got eye drops and gum you might not even need to share the fact that you’re high. That’ll give you a larger pool of people to meet since there is still a stigma surrounding cannabis use.

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" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."