20 Amazing Things To Try When You’re High

16. Get Creative

Many artists rely on cannabis to get their creative work done.

So, if you’re an artist or if you’ve ever had the aspiration to be one, weed can help.

Schafer and colleagues reviewed the literature on the effect of cannabis on creativity.

They suggested, “that marijuana produces psychotomimetic symptoms, which in turn might lead to connecting unrelated concepts, an aspect of divergent thinking considered primary to creative thinking.”

This might not be for everyone, but it’s worth a shot. Try doing something creative the next time you get high.

15. Exercise

Exercise can be a less daunting task when high.

CBD, the non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant helps alleviate inflammation and pain, which would make it easier for one to tackle bigger weights or reps.

THC can also make you more tolerant to pain, even if THC itself does not alleviate pain.

The combination of these two makes the gym less painful, as the aches associated with body building is a big part of why people skip out on their workouts.

So with the knowledge that the gym won’t be as painful while you’re high, you may be more motivated to go than when you’re sober.

Getting high may be the cheat code to getting the body you’ve always wanted.

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" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."