OMG Arguments To Have With Your Anti-Cannabis Parents

Smoking Marijuana is Addictive

First and foremost, define the term addiction. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines addiction as a “compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal.”

Past studies show about 9% of marijuana users are addicted; however, this includes individuals court-ordered for treatment. In reality, most cannabis users are not compulsively driven to use the plant and can quit at any time.

The compulsion to use marijuana results more from long-term habit rather than addiction. No withdrawal symptoms, such as shaking and fever, occur to those who quit marijuana. Someone who bites their fingernails nervously out of habit is no more addicted to biting their nails as regular marijuana users are to smoking.

People may develop a mental dependence, but quitting is not dangerous to one’s physical health. Therefore, cannot be compared to other drugs such as alcohol, heroin, or nicotine.

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" Chala Giron : Chala Giron is a poet and writer currently residing in England. She spends her free weekends traveling and writing. Her work has appeared in Tidal Echoes Literary Journal and on the Juneau Public buses.."