19 Things Only Pot Smokers Will Understand

Here are 19 things every weed smoker will definitely understand. These are some of the things that make the whole experience of smoking weed so unique.

4. Snacks

When you smoke ganja your sense of smell and taste are sharper and more intense.

And that’s a really good thing, since you’ll also be trying to satisfy a case of the munchies.

The desire to eat and eat and eat and eat is rewarded when you’re high by this heightened sense of taste. That’s why Cheetos are never quite as good as they are when you’re stoned.

5. Couch Lock

Any experienced smoker knows all about being couch locked.

This is especially true after a heavy sesh with a good, strong Indica strain. If you finish puffing and you can’t get off the couch to grab a bag of potato chips, you’re couch locked.

At that point, you should probably just relax and enjoy the ride because you’re not going anywhere.

6. Paranoia

Was I making sense? Did I say the right thing? Was I laughing too much?

Did people think I was acting weird?

Is that a cop? Could they tell I was high? Do I still smell like weed?

O shit, did I put my stash away before I left? Can the neighbors smell it? Did somebody call the cops?

Yeah, you know what we’re talking about.

One of the interesting things about cannabis is that it has such a wide range of effects on people.

In a lot of cases, weed helps calm people down. It can ease feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression.

But for other people, and in other settings, it can actually trigger some serious paranoia. But don’t worry, it’s probably all in your head. Or is it?

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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."