
Green Rush Daily is your go-to source for cannabis entertainment news. Bringing you the hottest in cannabis fashion, movies, TV shows, and music, with up-to-date celebrity news and gossip. Some of our biggest and most vocal cannabis advocates have a home in the entertainment industry and we count on them to vocalize their support for our industry. Our entertainment news section features in-depth exclusive interviews with and stories on musicians, rappers, actors, and actresses, among others.

Green Rush Daily is where you can get your dose of what is happening in Hollywood and who is smoking the herb. Trust us, Justin Bieber isn’t our only cannabis voice and we’re glad for it. In addition to celebrity news, our entertainment vertical is an opportunity for us to express our collective sense of humor and personalities, where we bring to you the things that make us laugh, make us cry, make us question and shake our head–in short, the things that make us say, “click that.”