How Weed Can Give You A Boner

What’s better than having sex, having a boner, and being high? Try to think of something better. Oh, that’s right you can’t! If you’re looking to give your little guy a lift, weed might be the answer.

In modern myths, many people have been lured into thinking that smoking pot can lead to erectile dysfunction. But in a shocking and surprising twist of events, that myth couldn’t be more wrong.

For those with high cholesterol, which is the primary factor for erectile dysfunction, cannabis can naturally reduce impairment a give you, well a boner.

The science behind this is simple. The activation of the body’s cannabinoid receptors increases oxidative stress and endothelial function in the penis. In other words, cannabis gets the blood flowing down there.

High blood pressure is also caused by a lack of healthy diet or by a lack of exercise, which prevents gentlemen from being able to get it up.

Cannabis is used as a way to lose weight due to its effects on human behavior. People, mainly men that smoke marijuana regularly is more active, and in turn have a lower blood pressure.

Also, those who try to eat cannabis raw, like pot smoothies or weed juices lower their blood pressure immensely due to the natural health benefits that marijuana gives the body.

Besides the health benefits, cannabis could also help with your ED by simply putting you in the mood or gettin’ ya horny.

Cannabis has a long history as being nature’s aphrodisiac dating all the way back to Tantric sex and the Kama Sutra. First, smoking marijuana gives the user a relaxed state of mind, which you need for getting an erection.

The blood flow that you need for a boner is only available when a man is calm and anxiety free. Cannabis depletes anxiety by giving the body feel good euphoric feeling by triggering receptors in the brain through THC. This relaxed state of mind will make you sexy time ready.

Also, after smoking cannabis, you’re instantly going to have a rush of hormones released into the body and feel sexually aroused. The THC from marijuana entering the blood stream releases six times the amount of hormones that you usually produce.

THC and cannabis will make you have the same hormone levels you did when you were a pubescent middle schooler. You remember your boner during puberty right?

A Canadian study reported in Psychology Today also shows that around half  of people that smoked marijuana before sex said that it enhanced sex by far.

So with all the evidence, smoke a little and “rise” to the challenge.

" Missy Amato : Missy is a Green Rush Daily writer hailing from Jamaica, Queens. She's a slam poet, writer, and cannabis enthusiast/connoisseur.."