What To Do If Cops Catch You With Weed

Although weed is becoming legalized and decriminalized in more and more places, you can still get busted for it. Here's what to do if cops catch you with weed.

Although smoking weed is becoming more and more of a societal norm, there’s always that underlying fear of getting caught by the cops. Even in states where it is legal, there are still several risks you take when smoking the ganja—particularly while operating a motor vehicle. To ease your fears, we came up with a list of ways you can deal with the cops if your worst fear is realized. You’ll never not know what to do if cops catch you with weed ever again.

Stay Calm

This is the easiest and arguably most important step after getting caught red-handed. Stay calm. You didn’t do anything that bad, right? Keep your cool and explain your situation. If your body language is off, and you’re clearly nervous, cops have reason to believe you’ve messed up big-time. If you are totally freaking out, there’s a pretty solid chance they’re going to think you’re a sketch ball. And if you’re not, they may actually let you slide.

Be Polite

The last thing a cop wants to deal with is someone giving them lip. You know you messed up, so the best way to go about it is being respectful to the officer. After all, you did just get caught with weed. Don’t make the situation any worse by being insubordinate.

Don’t Ramble

When dealing with the cops, make sure to keep your answers short and sweet. Rambling is one of the biggest signs of lying. Chances are, if you start going on and on, you’re probably doing just that. It’s also going to be hard to stick to a story with all those murky details. Simply ask the officer politely, “Have I done anything wrong, or am I free to go?” Most of the time, a cop will let you go if you’ve done nothing wrong. Or nothing super wrong, rather.

Know Your Rights

This is probably the most important step of them all. When getting pulled over or stopped by a police officer, you should be aware of what they are allowed to do within the law. For example, if a cop yells at you to empty your pockets, you have the right to refuse. It’s part of your Fourth Amendment rights to refuse an unreasonable search and seizure. This is where most people get in trouble.

Another common mistake is when an officer asks to search your vehicle when driving. Without a warrant, they are not within their jurisdiction to search your vehicle. With the amount of time it would take to get a search warrant, the cop may not find it worth her or his time. There is, however, a chance that a cop will still try to search you illegally. If that is the case, you can take them to court to protect yourself. Know your rights.

If All Else Fails, Tell the Truth

In the worst case scenario, if you don’t know what to do if cops catch you with weed, just tell the truth. Most cops respect the honesty. If you were just smoking a joint or ripping your vape pen, you may as well come clean. Most of the time for a petty offense like that, the officer will look the other way. You never know, they might even let you keep your joint.

Also, don’t fidget around in your pockets, or try to hide whatever weed you have on you. If the cop sees that you’re trying to cover something up, you may just be SOL.

Final Hit: What To Do If Cops Catch You With Weed

Well, there you have it, a set of life hacks that could prove to be a lifesaver when dealing with the cops. Now you know what to do if cops catch you with weed. You can thank us later.

" Tim Kohut : Tim Kohut is Green Rush Daily Staff Writer hailing from New York. His hobbies include (but are not limited to) eating eggs, owning far too many cats, and watching Rob Schneider films. He’s a self-taught expert in the cannabis industry and hopes to share his vast knowledge with fellow weed-enthusiasts around the world.."