15 Best Weed Memes On The Internet

What do good memes and great bud have in common? They're both dank! Let's take a look at some of the best weed memes on the internet today.

13. Hand it over, Chief

Chiefing is by far one of the most irritating things people do when smoking in a circle. Sure, we all like to socialize, but there’s a time and place for everything.

There’s always that person that gets all philosophical when their stoned, or that one guy that thinks he’s a stand-up comedian all of a sudden.

This meme perfectly sums up how all of us weed-smokers feel when someone goes off on a big tangent when they’re smoking a blunt. And people wonder why stoners like to keep to themselves…

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" Tim Kohut : Tim Kohut is Green Rush Daily Staff Writer hailing from New York. His hobbies include (but are not limited to) eating eggs, owning far too many cats, and watching Rob Schneider films. He’s a self-taught expert in the cannabis industry and hopes to share his vast knowledge with fellow weed-enthusiasts around the world.."