Pete Davidson: “I wouldn’t be able to do ‘SNL’ if I didn’t smoke weed”

Saturday Night Live's youngest cast member Pete Davidson has been suffering from Crohn's disease since he was 17 years old.

Pete Davidson On Weed

Saturday Night Live’s youngest cast member told High Times magazine about his marijuana use. Pete Davidson has been suffering from Crohn’s disease since he was 17 years old. His symptoms are bad enough that he believes he truly couldn’t perform without the assistance of medical marijuana. Furthermore, he sees the New York medical marijuana program as “inadequate and difficult to navigate.”

Cannabis to Treat Crohn’s

Cannabis is known to treat Crohn’s and other inflammatory bowel diseases. Crohn’s is a disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract. Moreover, it’s a life-threatening disease for some. Crohn’s can cause abdominal pain, weight loss, diarrhea, anemia, and fatigue.

Crohn’s disease cannot be cured. Patients like Davidson have more severe symptoms with no signs of change. Doctors prescribe steroids and immunosuppressants to slow the disease down. However, these medications don’t work for some patients.

Pete Davidson is one of those patients.

“I found that the things the doctors were prescribing me, and seeing all these doctors and trying new things, weed was the only thing that would help me eat,” he explained.

“I wouldn’t be able to do ‘SNL’ if I didn’t smoke weed,” the 22-year-old added.

Furthermore, Davidson doesn’t believe he’d be able to do anything let alone perform as an actor and comedian. Even if he could take the stage, he doesn’t believe he’d have any fun because of the pain.

“Me performing not high has gone awful,” he claims. “Because I don’t feel well.”

How Marijuana Eases Pain

Before a show, Davidson smokes a joint to ease the pain.

“You know I’d be in like a lot of pain before a show… I smoke a joint and immediately I could, you know, do this.”

Cannabinoids have the ability to limit intestinal inflammation. Additionally, patients have reported having less symptoms after smoking marijuana. Especially less debilitating abdominal pain.

The Stoner Stigma

Pete gets offended when people assume he’s smoking pot and sitting on his couch all day.

“I work really f—-ing hard and I take care of my s–t and I need weed in order to do that,” he said.

Davidson and many other marijuana users get their work done better when high. Lorne Michaels even cosigned Pete’s productivity despite his pot use.

“Pete’s really focused for someone who mostly talks about how much pot he smokes,” Michaels told the New York Times.

Final Hit

The medical marijuana laws in NY are relatively strict. The flower form of marijuana is not available because of the dangers associated with smoking. Even patients with qualifying conditions may not be getting the best available medicine. Because smoking marijuana provides added benefits that aren’t present in any of the forms currently available to New York patients.

" Ab Hanna : @ Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."