Somebody Trained This Mouse To Smuggle Drugs Inside A Prison


Drug Smuggling Mouse

Long Story Short

Prisoners locked up in the Barra da Grota prison in Araguaina, Brazil apparently came up with a clever scheme for sneaking drugs into the prison. They somehow managed to train a mouse to haul small packets of cannabis and other substances from cell to cell.

The Details

The drug smuggling scheme was discovered when the facility’s director, Gean Carlos Gomes, spotted a suspicious looking mouse running around the halls. He said the mouse had something tied to its tail, and it was dragging its cargo around behind it.

When Gomes and other prison guards looked into it, they found that prisoners had trained the mouse to run from one cell to another.

Before it took off, they’d tie a bundle of drugs to its tail. Then when the drug smuggling mouse showed up in the cell, the receiving prisoner removed the packet and sent the mouse back on its way.

“They attached a hook to the mouse’s tail and then used it to carry the drugs and other goods from one cell to another,” Gomes said. “When the animal arrived at its destination, the prisoner took the mouse and removed the hook from its tail.”

We’re not sure how many successful runs the mouse got away with. But we do know that guards eventually found 29 small packets of cannabis and 23 packets of cocaine that had all been delivered by the mouse.

There’s an excellent chance that the mouse delivered much more packets than the ones found by the guards. In fact, prison personnel also reviewed footage from the facility’s closed circuit security cameras to see if they could find any more activity from the drug running rodent.

Mary Millus/Green Rush Daily

Stranger Than Fiction

The image of a mouse running around carrying weed from one prison to cell to another sounds like something from a movie or TV show, not real life. In fact, pretty much the same thing happened once on Orange Is The New Black.

In that episode prisoners trained a cockroach named Yoda to carry cigarettes and whatever else between cells. That plan came crashing down when Piper accidentally stepped on it and killed it.

The drug smuggling mouse may sound like something as far fetched as the cigarette-toting cockroach, but it makes a lot more sense. According to journalist Alice Robb, some scientists can manipulate the movement of cockroaches by controlling temperature. But beyond that, it seems very unlikely that people could ever train cockroaches to run in specific patterns.

But training a mammal like a mouse is a much more likely possibility. Mice and rats are used all the time in all sorts of experiments and tests. And the prisoners in Brazil have proven once and for all that mice can be trained to smuggle whatever you want—just be sure it’s in minuscule amounts.

" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."