10 Things Around Your House You Can Safely Smoke With

Heating certain metals and plastics can be potentially harmful. Instead use one of these 10 things around the house to safely smoke weed with.

8. Carrot Steamroller

This one is simple.

  • First, poke a hole through the middle of the whole carrot.
  • The bigger ends hole will be your carb.
  • Then, carve a wide hole about a half an inch away from the larger end of the carrot.
  • Place weed in the top hole, put a finger on carb while sparking and inhaling.

7. Nut and Bolt Pipe

If you’ve got a bunch of nuts and bolts laying around in your garage you can try fitting them together to make a pipe.

If you want to add onto your nut and bolt pipe visit your local hardware store. Nuts and bolts are much cheaper than down stems and bowls.

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" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."