8 Ways To Accidentally Get Too Stoned

Getting too stoned isn’t the goal for most of us when we elect to get high. Here are eight of the most common mistakes when it comes to getting too stoned.

Green Rush Daily

6. Smoking while sick or in combination with another drug

This basically goes for all things drug related, but be careful when mixing substances. Whether it’s cough syrup, painkillers, alcohol, hallucinogens, or whatever else it is you put in your body, read the label. Seriously. This is where weed becomes super unfun. Beware the spins.

5. Inhaling too deeply

This one may sound obvious, but never underestimate trying to go too big too fast with one extra intense pull. It’s like lifting weights without stretching. Go too hard too quickly, and you might play end up playing yourself.

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" Jonny Coleman : Jonny Coleman is a GRD writer based in Los Angeles. His work has been featured in in Playboy, Pitchfork, Slate, MTV, Huffington Post, LA Weekly, Thump/Vice, O.C. Weekly, and Time Out LA + NY.."