The Best Way To Smoke Weed

There are too many ways to smoke weed for any method to be best for everyone. Regardless of the situation, we'll help you find the best way to smoke weed.

Green Rush Daily

Need help finding the best way to smoke weed?

With the number of creative ways, there is to ingest cannabis today, which is the best way to smoke weed? There are too many ways to smoke weed for any method to be best for everyone. In fact, it depends on what you’re looking for. You could be looking for the healthiest or most cost efficient way to smoke. On the other hand, you might just want to get as high as possible with the least amount of effort. Regardless of the situation, we’ll help you find the best way to smoke weed.

What’s the best way to smoke weed?

According to a survey by The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, joints are the most common way people smoke weed. Most people’s first time smoking weed is through a joint. Joints are easy to share, and a first-time weed smoker is unlikely to own a bowl, bong, or even rolling papers.

The survey shows that overall, more people have smoked joints than anything else. However, during the survey, slightly more people said they used bowls than joints in the last 30 days. Even though they have been the most popular, people seem to be realizing joints may not be the best way to smoke weed.

There are ways to get all the medical effects of weed without having to inhale carcinogenic papers. As mentioned above, many people are choosing bowls over papers and for good reasons. For one, packing a bowl is a hell of a lot easier than rolling a joint. It’s also healthier and less wasteful than papers which continuously burn your weed even when you’re not inhaling. However, there are arguably even better ways to get much higher. The reason so many people use bowls is that they’re more affordable than water pipes and vaporizers.

Water Pipes

The evolution to the bowl is the water pipe or bong. By adding water to the equation, smoke is filtered and cooled before entering your lungs. The bigger chamber and water cooling make it easy to stack massive amounts of smoke before pulling out the bowl piece and clearing it.

Since paper isn’t involved, water pipes are relatively healthier than joints but not bowls. In fact, one study by the Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute claims that bongs “have been shown to involve equivalent amounts of tar and do not reduce risks of marijuana smoke inhalation.”

So, it may not be a much healthier smoke, but it’s easier to take bigger hits which will get you much higher than a dry pipe would.

Gravs And Dabs

If your idea of the best way to smoke weed is the one that gets you the highest, this section is for you. Dabs are probably the best way to get the highest in the least amount of time. However, if you only have access to cannabis flowers, a gravity bong is the best way to get high AF quickly. A proper gravity bong will leave you with a whole bowls worth of smoke ready to be inhaled in one hit. You can make a gravity bong in 10 minutes that’ll leave you lifted for the rest of your day.

Cannabis concentrates are a whole other story. In the span of 30 seconds, you can get higher than you ever could smoking an entire joint. It’s a magical experience. Getting into dabbing can be a hassle because you need a torch, dab rig, and dab nail. However, after the initial investment, you’ll be able to ingest large amounts of THC without the addition of tar and many carcinogens.

" Ab Hanna : @ Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."