How To Tell If A Cannabis Plant Is Male Or Female

If you're new to cannabis growing, you might not know that there are female and male pot plants. This guide will help master this marijuana growing basic.

Isolate Female Plants

Once you know the sex of all your plants, you’ve got to isolate the female ones. Assuming you’re only trying to get useable bud, these are the only plants you should be growing.

Simply remove all the male plants and any plants that produce both pistils and pollen sacs. At this point, your grow operation should be full of only healthy, strong female plants.

Now it’s just a matter of keeping them well fed and helping them grow into the flowering phase. Once they reach that stage, they’ll start producing beautiful, crystal-covered flowers. Use our guide for harvesting to know when you to start removing the mature buds.

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" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."