How To Recycle Weed With A Balloon

Balloon Tech

If you really want to get the most out of every hit we recommend using a one hitter, pipe or bong with the balloon technique. First, pack your bowl with enough for you to finish in one hit. Then, light it and inhale until the cherry is completely gone.

  1. First, grind your weed and pack the bowl with enough for you to cash in one hit.
  2. Light it and inhale until the cherry is completely gone.
  3. Hold your hit in while you grab the balloon and put it to your lips.
  4. Exhale into the balloon until it is completely filled. Be careful not to let it pop.
  5. Pinch the end closed and take a quick few breaths so your lungs are ready for another round of THC.
  6. Don’t let it sit in the balloon for too long or it’ll lose flavor. Inhale the smoke or vapor back from the balloon. Hold it in for a second and then let it go.

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" Ab Hanna : @ Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."