7 Ways to Use Your Leftover Roach Clips

Nobody wants to waste weed. But if you smoke a lot of joints or blunts, you've probably built up a big stash of roaches. Fortunately, these makeshift roach clips will let you put all that leftover weed to good use.

If you’re a blunt or joint smoker you may have a serious roach problem by now. But don’t call the exterminator just yet! There’s a bunch of ways to use your leftover roach clips to get high. Unless you’re using filters every time, your roll-up will eventually get to the point where you can no longer smoke it. In fact, many people end up burning their fingers or lips trying. This is how to get the most out of your roaches.

1. Use Your ID Badge As A Roach Clip

For many of us, the first thing on our mind after a long day’s work is “where the weed at?” If you’re dankrupt, you can fish a roach out of your ashtray to smoke. Hop out of your work clothes because roach-smoking will stink them up. Just don’t put away your ID badge clip. You can use it to hold a roach. Now you can smoke it without burning your fingers.

2. Paper Clips Make Perfect Roach Clips

There are other plenty of things you can use as makeshift roach clips. Just about anyone should be able to get their hands on a paper clip. Find one and you’ve got the key to finishing off your roach burn-free.

Just unfold the paper clip a bit. You can then insert the tip of the paper clip into the mouthpiece of your roach. This will help you smoke without burning your fingers. But watch out. The cherry is eventually going to get too close to your lips. At that point, you’ll be left with a super tiny roach. There are more effective ways to use your roach.

3. Try A Blunt Bubbler

With a blunt bubbler, you’ll be able to smoke every roach to completion with no lip or finger burn. To top it all off, you’ll be able to stack bigger hits. That means you’ll get even higher than usual! Blunt bubblers are ideal roach clips that will help you completely exterminate your roaches.

4. Stuff The Roach Inside a Bowl

You can put the roach in the hole of a bowl and smoke it like you would a time bomb. A time bomb is when you put a joint or blunt sticking up out of a bowl. Then you pack weed around it to the hold it in place. From there, light the end of your roll-up while inhaling. It will slowly burn downwards like a fuse into that bomb-ass weed waiting at the bottom. Just make sure you don’t inhale hard enough to suck that lit roach down your throat.

5. Pack That Roach Into a Bong

The roach is definitely not the best-tasting way to smoke weed. However, you can get smoother hits by sticking your roach clips in a bong. The water should make the resinous clips easier to smoke. The best part is there’s no way that cherry is getting close enough to burn you. Even if it sinks it’ll probably end up swimming in bong water instead of diving into your mouth.

6. Gut Your Roaches

One of the easiest ways to use your leftover roaches is to gut them. If you’re having trouble stuffing the clip you can just empty it out and smoke it however you want. If you have enough roaches, empty them out and roll a new blunt. You can also pack a bong or a bowl with your roach guts.

7. Roachzilla

This is a legend you only hear about from a seasoned cannabis consumer. Some veterans have roach stashes saved from so far back they may need carbon dating. To use them, they combine them all to make a super-resinated roach blunt, or “Roachzilla.” After smoking enough Roachzillas you can save the roaches left behind from all those Roachzillas and recycle them again to get the second generation Roachzilla.

Final Hit: Ways to Use Your Leftover Roach Clips

Finding ways to use your old roaches is like saving up loose change then using it to make an actual purchase. You definitely won’t regret it. Smokers on a budget should think twice before flicking that roach. Saving roach clips is a great way to recycle some of the weed you’d normally toss out. If you can’t afford to hold onto stinky roaches there are ways to smoke without any waste. And if you want to avoid the whole roach thing altogether, remember that a glass filter is a great way to smoke a joint to the end with no roach.

" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."