CBD Water Could Be The Next Big Trend In Cannabis

CBD water promises to bring together the best of what pure water and CBD have to offer.

A handful of cannabis companies are coming up with innovative new ways to tap into the health benefits of cannabidiol (CBD). In particular, CBD-infused water is the latest product to hit the market. Now, CBD water could be the next trend to sweep the cannabis scene.

The Potential of CBD Water

CBD water is exactly what the name implies: CBD-infused water. The combination of pure water and CBD could have some impressive health and medicinal properties.

For starters, water is crucial for good health. In particular, staying hydrated is a key to pretty much every body function, and is important for maintaining your general well-being.

On top of that, researchers are discovering a number of health and medicinal properties associated with CBD.

In general, CBD is often thought of as the non-psychoactive complement to THC. That’s because it helps mellow out and counteract some of the potentially negative effects of THC.

But beyond that, it also produces a range of powerful effects on its own. So far, research has found that CBD can provide treatment for a number of health conditions. As evidence, here’s a quick rundown of what CBD can do:

  • It can be used as an anti-seizure medicine.
  • CBD has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • CBD is a “neuroprotectant.” That makes it an effective way to treat symptoms associated with a variety of neurodegenerative diseases.
  • It can be a powerful pain-reliever.
  • Recent studies suggest that CBD may be an effective anti-tumor agent.
  • CBD also has antipsychotic properties.
  • It can help reduce anxiety.
  • CBD can help those dealing with PTSD.

CBD water brings all these health and medicinal properties together into a discreet, convenient, easy-to-use format.

You can drink it straight. Alternatively, you can add it to other drinks or snacks to turn pretty much anything you want into a CBD-infused edible.

New Innovations in the Cannabis Industry

CBD water could be the next big trend in the cannabis industry. More immediately, it represents the latest innovation to come out of the industry.

So far, there are already a handful of companies to bring CBD water to market. And many of them rely on some new technologies to make it happen.

Making CBD-infused water is actually a lot more complicated than it might at first sound. That’s largely because cannabinoids like THC and CBD don’t naturally bond well with water.

This means that cannabis companies had to come up with another way of making it happen. As a result, many CBD water products rely on “nano technology.”

CBD Living Water, one of a handful of companies now selling CBD water, said the process relies on “quantum physics” to reduce CBD “into tiny particles, one millionth of their size.” From there, the nano-sized CBD particles are encapsulated “in a water cluster.”

The company claims that this process doesn’t just provide a way to infuse water with CBD. According to the company’s website, those tiny particles of CBD are also more readily absorbed by your body. This, the company reports, helps optimize the medical potential of the cannabinoid.

CBD Water Could Be The Next Big Trend In Cannabis

CBD products are becoming a staple in the legal cannabis market. Researchers continue learning more about how this cannabinoid can be used as a health supplement and as a medical treatment.

This expanded body of research will likely fuel an equally explosive growth in the number of CBD products on the market. CBD water is the latest example of this growth.

Given how easy CBD water is to use, dose, and consume, CBD water could very well become the next big trend in cannabis.

" Nick Lindsey : Nick is a Green Rush Daily writer reporting on all things cannabis. He currently lives in New York City.."