How Long Does THC Stay In Your System?

Just how long THC stays in your system depends on a number of factors. Drinking water and exercising decrease the duration that THC spends in your system.


Just how long does THC stay in your system?

Just how long does THC stay in your system? Depends on some factors, how much you consumed, and which part of your system the THC is in. For example, weed will stay longer in your hair in heavy users. THC can remain in a new user’s system for one day or a regular user for months.

How Long Does THC Stay In Your Saliva?

Fortunately, even a heavy smoker can rid their saliva of tetrahydrocannabinol within a day or two. Swab tests detect marijuana use from 12-24 hours before.

There have been incidents where people smoked the day of and still passed a drug test. Thorough teeth brushing and mouth washing will remove THC from your mouth even quicker.

How Long Does THC Stay In Your Urine?

The most popular form of drug test is the urine test. A single use of marijuana should only remain in urine for one to seven days.

However, regular users may have marijuana in their urine for 7 to 100  days. Flushes, drinking plenty of water, and exercise will help rid your urine of tetrahydrocannabinol sooner.

Urine tests seek out the non-psychoactive marijuana metabolite THC-COOH, which lingers in the body for days and weeks.

It takes the body an unusually long time to get rid of THC-COOH, so urine tests are highly sensitive to marijuana over other commonly used drugs.

How Long Does THC Stay In Your Hair?

Hair tests are the scariest type of drug test for pot smokers. Depending on the length of your hair, your hair may test positive for tetrahydrocannabinol even though you haven’t toked in months.

Hair tests are one of the hardest tests to cheat. The last 1.5 inches of your hair tell whether or not you’ve consumed marijuana within the last 90 days or so.

On the other hand, body hair can last 180-360 days, but conclusive studies need to be done before we know for sure.

If you’re planning to get a job that requires hair follicle testing, you may want to quit smoking and shave all the THC covered hair off of your body and head.

The hair that grows back will be clean of toxins as long as you have remained clean of toxins post-shave.

How Long Does THC Stay In Your System?

According to our research tetrahydrocannabinol can stay in your system for as short as a day or as long as 360 days. Drinking water and exercising decrease the duration that THC spends in your system. If tetrahydrocannabinol manages to stay in your system 360 days after your last smoke, you might be Snoop Dogg himself.

" Ab Hanna : @ Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."