7 Side Effects Of Smoking Weed You Should Know About

If you’re new to the weed world, you should know that marijuana can come with some side effects. Some of them are enjoyable like euphoria and the giggles. On the other hand, there are more serious symptoms like anxiety. Much like everything else in life, weed comes with positives and negatives. We’ve compiled a list of some common side effects that you should know about.

7. Anxiety

People who have tried cannabis have reported anxiety as a negative side effect. On the contrary, cannabis is used to relieve anxiety for others.

Cannabis affects our “fight or flight” reactions. In the right amounts, it delays the response so far doesn’t have a chance to manifest. However, it’s all about your dosage. In large doses, THC can cause paranoia and trigger anxiety.

Solution: Look for strains low in THC or high in CBD, which is better for alleviating stress.

Regardless of the THC/CBD ratio, cannabis is a safer alternative to more addictive prescription pills with more harmful side effects.

If you accidentally consume too much THC, try CBD extracts to balance it out.


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" Ab Hanna : @https://twitter.com/dabhanna Ab is an East Coast editor for Green Rush Daily. He enjoys learning new information about cannabis and cannabis products through research and experience. His work is also featured in High Times Magazine.."