Utah Mom Chooses Her Daughter’s Health Over Obeying the Law

For Sarah Ellett, breaking the law is worth the risk when it comes to saving her 3-year-old daughter. When 3-year-old Remie Ellett was born, doctors didn’t expect her to live for very long, or at all. She suffers from panhypopituitarism, a condition that damages the function of the pituitary gland, which causes low blood sugar, blurred vision, vomiting, stunted growth and digestive problems that require a feeding tube.

Remie Ellett

But Remie’s mom seems to have found a solution—just two small drops of cannabis oil is all it takes to rid Remie of her pain and symptoms. After researching the benefits of cannabis oil and learning about the Oregon Medical Marijuana program, Ellett registered Remie for the program, and saw immediate results.

Remie Ellett

In an interview with PEOPLE, Ellett said,“the cannabis oil is a miracle – it’s what is giving her a good quality of life. The very first day Remie had it, she walked on her own for the first time. It’s helped balance her blood sugar, controlled her nausea and enabled her to mover her jaw, chew and swallow. Because of this oil, she’s achieving milestones that we never thought possible.”

Unfortunately for Remie, she lives in Utah—a state that prohibits the use of marijuana for recreational or medical use. Remie’s mother, Sarah Ellett, is faced with the decision of relocating her family to a state where marijuana is legal, or continue to live in Utah with the fear of losing custody of her daughter.

Remie Ellett

Ellett said that caseworkers from the Utah Division of Child and Family Services recently came to her home after learning that she’s been using cannabis oil to treat Remie. Ellett said, “they told me they needed to make sure that Remie wasn’t in any danger.”

Ellett has come to the sad realization that the legalization of marijuana in Utah is most likely not going to happen anytime soon, and unfortunately, Remie doesn’t have time to wait around.

Ellett said, “I’m in that window now where I have to take action to save her health and possibly her life. That’s what this is all about. Saving my child’s life.”

" Lindsey Lewis : Lindsey is a Green Rush Daily staff writer who resides in the cannabis epicenter of Portland, OR. She was the chief editor of her collegiate newspaper and has an extensive background and experience in the legal cannabis industry.."