Chris Christie Compared Cannabis Legalization To Heroin Legalization

It’s no secret that Chris Christie’s resume of public antics is laughable. His latest regarding comments on heroin legalization is no different. Deaths from Heroin overdoses are exponentially rising so fast that they tripled between 2010 and 2015.

Our nation is in a crisis from opioid abuse, with overdoses now killing more people annually than HIV/AIDS did at its peak. Meanwhile, it is not even possible to take a lethal amount of marijuana. The short answer is because receptors in the brainstem absorb opioids.

Cannabinoid receptors absorb the effects of THC. These receptors can be found in areas of the brain, tissues, and organs, but not the brainstem, and not anywhere that affects essential bodily functions. Chris Christie logic says that legalizing marijuana is baloney. He goes on to say that doing so is enabling a gateway drug for users to get hooked on Heroin.

He goes on to say that doing so is enabling a gateway drug for users to get hooked on Heroin. So why not make heroin legalization a thing too? Seems legit.

Christie Logic on Heroin Legalization

Let’s just clarify that Christie’s claims that pot is relatable to heroin legalization are not supported by research. Adding to this, his major reasons keep going to the taxpayers money, and the $300 million annual tax increase.

Americans need to keep in mind that Chris Christie is arguing a point about taxing legal marijuana, and Donald Trump is dropping 1/5 of that amount on Syria in one night. As usual, these situations are about money when clearly, federal spending isn’t being wisely used anyways.

Why Not Legalize Heroin?

Yep, Christie actually said, and I quote, “If people like Nick Scutari and Steve Sweeney and Phil Murphy want to bring this poison into the state under the guise that it doesn’t matter because people can buy it illegally anyway, then why not legalize heroin?”.

Well I’m pretty sure the facts state it all. Marijuana legalization doesn’t mean it will soon on the kid’s middle school lunch menu nationwide. New studies have even shown that teens don’t smoke more weed when it’s legal. Adding to that, dispensaries require a legal ID, acquired from a medical doctor, to acquire marijuana legally.

This “poison” is used medicinally every day for anxiety, depression, cramps, chronic pain, arthritis, seizures… shall I go on? Anybody that is going to compare cannabis legalization to heroin legalization needs to seriously rethink their arguments. Not only that, but let’s show some respect for those who have lost loved ones to opioid addiction. They would respond great to comments about heroin legalization.

What I find most ironic is that Christie is now heading President Trump’s commission against opioid abusePresident Trump’s commission against opioid abuse. How is it possible for us to trust him as the leader of the anti-opioid campaign when he’s comparing marijuana legalization to heroin legalization?

Chris Christie needs to rethink his stances on social issues. He can start by maybe using terms like “blood money” on issues that actually involve spilled blood. Because I promise you, there are plenty.

" Eric Griffin : Eric Griffin is an LA-based writer and artist. His work has been featured in the Huffington Post and past catalogs for the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.."